Parent Engagement and involvement
Parent engagement is when parents positively support their child’s educational journey and success at school by being an important partner with their child’s teachers and the school.
Engagement is showing interest in what your child is learning at school, reinforcing the importance of their learning and connecting school with home life, aligning values and upholding the Steiner philosophy. Parents who value the importance of their child’s education can have a profound influence on their child’s achievements and emotional wellbeing.
Parent involvement is also vital to the health of our school. Parents can greatly enhance the quality of their child’s education by participating in the life of the school.
Samford Valley Steiner School suits those who see that the education of their child is not the school’s job alone. In choosing this school, parents meet a unique opportunity to form a dynamic partnership with teachers, children and other families in the school community. Those who choose to take advantage of this, give their child a much greater opportunity to experience the life-enhancing values of co-operative effort and both personal and social responsibility.
Throughout the year there are many opportunities for parents to be involved. The school offers organised talks, seminars and workshops as well as regular community events such as the termly seasonal festivals, concerts, drama performances, bush dances and more. These events are advertised in the school newsletter.
Parents are also expected to attend Parent/Teacher evenings held for each class once per term. Developing a living understand of the principles of Steiner Education and their application at SVSS, enables parents to work in partnership with the school to ensure the best possible experience for their child.
Parent involvement on a practical level is also greatly valued. All parents are encouraged to volunteer to assist in the organisation of festivals, celebrations, and other activities.