Samford Valley Steiner School

Early Childhood

“The preschool years, the kindergarten years, are the most important of all in the education of the child … It is absolutely essential that before we begin to think, before we so much as begin to set our thinking in motion, we experience the condition of wonder.” Rudolf Steiner

We strive to create a warm and loving environment where your child will flourish.  Our early years’ program honours the young child’s need for connectedness to this world, with nurturing rhythms, quality sensory experiences and engagement in the real work of childhood: play.

early Childhood program

Since its inception, in 1987, Samford Valley Steiner School has offered a two-year Early Childhood program, a Pre-Prep year and a Prep year.  This two year Kindergarten program provides for our children a gentle bridge between home and formal schooling.

From Term 3 2020, this multi-age program is extended to include those children turning 4 years old. The Pippi year is a part time program with limited numbers.

Samford Valley Steiner Early Childhood Centre is an approved kindergarten program provider under the Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme and our Prep program is compliant with Non-State Schools accreditation criteria.  Please see the statement-of-fees-kindergarten-services-qkfs 2021 and the QKFS subsidy.

The Kindergarten has received an overall rating of Exceeding the National Standard.

daily rhythm

Children are carried along by the rhythms of the world in which they live; from the rhythms of breathing in and out and the daily rhythms of sleeping and waking, to the yearly cycle of the seasons. Children flourish when their daily activities are arranged rhythmically to reflect the natural order of life.

Thus activities within our classrooms flow with a sense of ‘breathing in’ to ‘breathing out’. Teachers work consciously to ensure that children experience a balance between quiet, restful moments, such as listening to a story, and active moments of vigorous work and play.

Children begin their day with an extended period of creative free play.  Play is the life blood of the kindergarten and is recognised and valued as the ‘work’ of early childhood.  Through play the young child comes to know themselves in relation to the world and others.  Throughout the day the children also participate in organised activity such as drawing, painting, craft, cooking, movement and stories.  Children also participate in a weekly Eurythmy lesson; a specialist speech and movement activity. 

Life in the Kindergarten is unhurried and consciously supportive of the young child’s need for physical and sensory care and nourishment.

foundations for learning

The Kindergarten is alive with rich oral language experiences as teachers use verse, song, rhymes and stories to enliven the children’s imaginations and innate sense of wonder and provide a solid foundation for future literacy learning.

Similarly foundations for other core learning areas such as mathematics and science are consciously laid through authentic and practical experiences that arise out of play and engagement with the natural world.


Imitation is fundamental to learning in early childhood and teachers strive to provide wholesome models for the children in all their actions and interactions. Throughout the day, the children have opportunity to witness their teachers engaging in creative, social and domestic tasks. Out of their imitative capacities the children freely involve themselves alongside the adults in meaningful work with a sense of joy and purpose.


Pippi children (3-4 year olds) attend two days per week.  Either:

  • Monday and Tuesday OR
  • Thursday and Friday

The hours are 8:30am – 2.30pm.

Pre-Prep children (4-5 years old). Children attend either:

  • 3 days per week: Monday – Wednesday, OR Wednesday – Friday
  • 5 days per week: Monday – Friday
  • The hours for all options are: 8:30am – 2:30pm (except Wednesday 8:30am – 12:35pm)

Prep children (5-6 years old) attend five days a week.

  • Hours:  8:30am – 2:30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
    8.30am – 12:35pm on Wednesday.

The work of childhood: play


“If a child has been able to play, to give up his whole living being to the world around him, he will be able to, in the serious tasks of later life, devote himself with confidence and power to the service of the world.”

Rudolf Steiner



Human centred Education

Our curriculum weaves together academic rigor, artistic expression, and hands-on practical learning to educate the whole child—head, heart, and hands. From early childhood through to Year 12, students develop critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and practical life skills.

Artistic and Academic Excellence

Through music, visual arts, handcrafts, and theatrical performances, students explore their creativity and individuality. Our academic programs are equally engaging, incorporating storytelling, inquiry-based learning, and experiential projects to spark a love of discovery and knowledge. 


With nature as our classroom, children discover the wonders of the world around them through outdoor education and environmental stewardship. Activities such as bushwalks, gardening, and sustainability projects deepen their connection to the environment and foster a sense of responsibility for the planet. 

Community Spirit

We’re not just a school—we’re a community. Families, teachers, and students come together to celebrate seasonal festivals, participate in craft groups, and support one another in our shared mission to help children flourish.