Project Presentations – Friday 18 October & saturday 19 October 2024
The 2024 Year 12 Senior Research Projects.
The presentations will be on Friday 18 October from 4.15pm to 7.15pm and Saturday 19 October from 8am to 12pm, in the School Hall. All are welcome to attend.
Our 2024 graduate profiles are below.

AVA Whitehorn
Ava is kind and thoughtful with an empathetic and grounded nature and natural leadership qualities. Ava has a talent for theatre and music and is dedicated to pursuing her passions. Her giving nature shines through in how she shares her gifts with the community.
For my SRP I have chosen to explore how music can evoke emotions within the listener. I originally came up with my idea back in Class 8 and I knew I wanted to work with music, so I began to think about how I could make a piece of music more relatable to a wider audience of people. Emotions and music often go together but I tried to refine this down narrower and narrower pathways and started to explore how certain elements of music can bring up specific emotions within the individual, such as how a piano is played or the lyrics of a song.
There are already quite a few studies completed on this and I was hoping to expand on what I found in my research. My results were mostly consistent with what I found, however there were some surprises. There is no one piece of music that will bring out the same emotions within everyone as humans are so complex. Some elements, such as rhythm, which corresponds to the heartbeat can make people drawn to it, but you can’t really manipulate the emotions through music.
My main challenge was with collaboration. I’ve been working with some incredible artists, but it felt almost like I couldn’t completely call it mine because I didn’t write all the parts or play all the pieces.
For me, being a Steiner student means being connected to nature. I previously went to a public school, and it felt like everything was concrete. Here, it’s like we built around it, not through it. We definitely appreciate our environment and get to spend more time within it.
My favourite Main Lesson was Astronomy. I love space and we haven’t worked on astronomy much before that. Any of the practical Main Lessons that are more hands on are great too and I’ve enjoyed all the Drama Main Lessons. You get to spend more time with your classmates and interact more with each other.
My favourite camp was the Arts Camp in Class 10. Even though we stayed in Brisbane, it was fun to explore the city and seeing different plays and go to theatre classes. Camps are a great way of getting life experience from cooking your own meals, down to the budget. Getting to disconnect away from phones is great too.
A great experience for me was getting to go to the UQ Change Makers program last year. I got to learn a lot about university and go to events and I’m grateful to have been able to go.
I feel like my time at SVSS has prepared me for almost every aspect of life outside of school, we learn so many valuable life skills.

Rohan Coyle
Rohan is an honest, down-to-earth and kind-hearted member of Class 12, with a love of the outdoors and being active. It’s been wonderful to watch him transform into a confident and stead-fast young adult with the focus to follow his dreams.
My SRP is based around if I can film and produce media solely with an iPhone. I’ve been looking at how to film, how to edit and how to tell a story with video. So far, I’ve managed to do it all on a phone. I’ve learnt filming techniques, editing techniques and how to be patient with it, editing takes a long time. My biggest challenge so far is managing the video quality when filming with a phone, but there are certainly other limitations to it that I am learning to work with and overcome. Away from the editing aspect, finding the correct people who provide what I’m seeking to bring to a video always proves challenging. Before my project, I was just creating short mountain biking edits for my Instagram, I’m excited to utilise what I’ve taken from my SRP and apply it to my socials.
To me, being a Steiner student means that we are encouraged to explore our own learning, rather than being fed information. I love learning, and I love the process of learning, getting things wrong sometimes is just a part of the journey. It sometimes feels almost like we are taught how to ‘discover’ things for yourself. I can see this mentality being a huge help as we step into the workforce.
My favourite Main Lesson was the Optics one we did recently. It was the first time I really understood physics. I had always thought that physics wasn’t for me, however after we finished, I not only thoroughly understood the content, but I also found myself wishing the Main Lesson would go on for longer.
I genuinely enjoyed every single camp I ever went on. If I had to pick a favourite it would be Farm Camp where we spent just under 3 weeks away on a property, exploring, learning and working on a farm. In general, I love a good adventure; I love camping out in the bush and sleeping under tarps. It’s my idea of a great time.
A favourite memory of mine from my education is back in Class 3, when you would be sitting in class and the teacher would say, “Okay, time to go to the creek,” I can still vividly remember the excitement, it’s a feeling I won’t forget in a hurry. Creek time was the best.
Once I graduate, I’ll be going straight into the workforce as an apprentice builder/carpenter it’s a dream career for me and I’m super excited.
I feel really good about how SVSS has prepared me for the future. It’s taught me to pursue what I’m passionate about, to love hard work, how to work as a team, but also alone and good self-discipline.
When I think of Steiner, I think of the amazing relationship between students and their teachers, having that from Class 1 right through to Year 12 is fantastic.

Nathaniel Park
With a strong inner compass, Nathaniel follows interests and passions with drive, willing to get in and get things done. A hard-worker with many talents, academic, musical and practical, Nathaniel is a dedicated, calm voice of leadership within our school community.
My SRP has been on restoring and racing an old motorbike. Racing has always been something I’ve been into, my dad races and that got me started. When I got the opportunity to restore this bike, I thought it would be a great project that I knew would hold my interest throughout the year.
Challenges have been the mechanical work. I didn’t have a lot of experience with mechanics, so I didn’t really know what I had gotten myself into! I also had never ridden a road bike before and it’s a very different style of riding than what I was used to – as well as learning to race at the same time – but I’ve ridden the bike a couple of times now and enjoyed it.
I’ve been surprised by how patient you need to be during racing. I thought it was just a case of going faster than the people you were racing against, but it’s more tactical than that.
I’ve been here at SVSS since Pre-prep, for me being a Steiner student means having more freedom in how we communicate and interact with our peers and the teachers. I have mates that go to mainstream schools and it feels like they’re always talking about how strict it is. Here it feels like discussion is more encouraged.
Farm Camp was my favourite Main Lesson and Camp. I liked how hands on it was and that we were learning in a different environment. The whole dynamic of waking up early and being active all day was something I enjoyed, even being without my phone – it’s nice. You learn a lot about processing of foods, including processing a cow.
I have a lot of fond memories from primary school, playing in the playground and spending time with friends, but even academically. I felt like how we were taught was a great way of learning a topic.
I feel like I’ve had a very eventful and diverse experience at SVSS.

Isaac Muller
Isaac is intelligent, charismatic and observant, his sense of humour complementing his deep-thinking nature. With a love of outdoors and music, Isaac’s interests blend the earthy and practical with the deeper questions. We see this reflected within his SRP topic.
For my SRP I have been building a deck at home and looking into how being in the outdoors affects your mental health. Throughout the year, I’ve been slowly working on the deck bit by bit and learning the carpentry aspects as I go. I’ve been doing research into how being outdoors affects your mental health, as well as having a space for social interaction.
I’ve definitely learned a lot of new skills in carpentry, but the results for the mental health component have been consistent with what I thought they would be. The biggest challenges have been in regulations around building and what you can and can’t do. A lot of the rules are very specific, and it takes time to find what you need.
I’ve been at SVSS since kindergarten, so I don’t have a previous experience to compare it to but for me, Steiner education is very nature based. You can see this in the camps especially. When I think about Steiner schools, I think about how many camps and outdoor experiences we have.
I liked the Main Lesson, Sequences and Series. Maths is one of my favourite subjects and that Main Lesson also had hiking camp attached to it which is always fun. I also loved Farm Camp and getting to learn about agriculture and how a farmer’s life is. The camps help you to learn in a different way.
My favourite memory was Greek Olympics in Primary School. Being sport, it’s something I really enjoyed, but also in the Greek Olympics we join with other schools and that was fun.
I feel like our school helps give you opportunities such as assisting you with getting into TAFE when you’re in older grades and helping you to achieve what you want to do after you leave school, whether that’s entering a trade or going to uni. After school I want to take a gap year and travel and then go into a trade, either carpentry or electrical.
My experience at SVSS was one where I got to go out into the world and learn things firsthand.

Jetta started at SVSS in Class 7, in 2019. It didn’t take her long to fit in with the class and become part of its social fabric. Throughout her high school years, she has grown in confidence, poise and formed strong friendships. She carries with her a quiet, yet strong inner sense of who she is and continues to grow into this. Jetta always has a smile, is willing to step confidently into new experiences and is someone who sets herself high standards and meets them. She is capable of many creative ideas, being passionate about them and most importantly is able to bring those ideas into action.
My area of research is artistic activism, and my question is, “Exploring why artistic activism in important to social change.”
I have been exploring this question by researching the history of artistic activism, interviewing artistic activists and creating a documentary sharing their stories, art and messages. The documentary is the practical side of my SRP. I became interested in this topic when I was on holidays overseas where I saw powerful protest art on the street and went to an exhibition at the Tate on a group of art activists.
Through the process of the SRP I have gained a variety of skills. I have gained valuable interviewing, filming, and documentary-making skills, along with insight into the history of artistic activism. This experience has enhanced my planning abilities and built my confidence in approaching people for project participation. I’ve also improved my communication skills, learning to clearly convey my project needs through email and phone. Overall, I’ve developed the confidence to take on and successfully manage large projects.
I still feel relatively new to the Steiner School system, what I can see is that I have I have a deeper appreciation for nature and the world around me and this is my point of difference as a Steiner student.
The Main Lesson that I remember fondly is the Botany Main Lesson in Class 11. I enjoyed learning more in depth information about the plants, biodiversity and the animal life on K’gari Island. I also enjoyed the artistic part of this Main Lesson, drawing of what we saw on camp as well as other plants.
My favourite camp has been the Sailing camp in Class 11, I love sailing in general. Being out on the ocean is a calming place for me. As part of this camp, we got explore the small islands like Peel Island in Moreton Bay.
My experience at Samford Valley Steiner School is that I am free to explore whatever topics that I am interested in – there is freedom in what we can learn through the Main Lessons and specialist lessons. It feels calm and relaxed, yet we are still working. SVSS has provided a holistic approach so that I can think practically and empathetically. It’s given me an inquisitive mind and the confidence that if I apply myself to think about a problem fully, I can come to an answer.

Will was a more recent addition to the Class 12 cohort, joining in Class 10. He is sensitive with a kind heart and a flair for drama and the creative arts. Will worked on a production of The Wizard of Oz for his SRP, a wonderful performance that wowed the audience.
My SRP was working on a production of the play ‘The Wizard of Oz’ with Nicole Ostini, the drama teacher. This involved all aspects of the play from directing, to costumes and set design.
Challenges were in casting and finding the right types of people who were interested but I was fortunate in having a good group of people around me who were interested and talented which made that part easier. I gained a lot of skills in theatre and especially kids theatre. You have to really embody the character in children’s theatre so that they feel immersed in what they’re watching. It was a great experience, and I had a lot of fun.
Steiner schooling for me is about the closeness. It is a lot smaller than other schools that I’ve been at with smaller classes and the teachers are more involved with the students.
My favourite Main Lesson was Optics. I really enjoyed it, and it was a lot of fun. I got a lot of work done and I hope I get a good mark for that one!
Arts Camp in Class 10 was my favourite camp. It involves a lot of the creative arts, we got to see awesome plays and we went to the museum. The food was also really good!
A favourite memory of mine is on Surveying Camp when we went swimming. Just mucking around and hanging out with our classmates.
I feel like school has prepared me for the career I want to do and taught me the value of hard work. I am hoping to go on to acting school.
I’ve had a really good experience at SVSS. I’ve enjoyed the smaller classes and the smaller school experience. Our class was a great group of people who were talented and hard working which I felt lucky to be a part of.

Bella is a charismatic and outgoing member of Class 12. Always one to rise to a challenge, Bella shows up to the world as herself unapologetically, with confidence, integrity and self-assurance. Bella has an artist’s heart and is gifted in music, art and drama.
My SRP was on the topic exploring animation and my own enjoyment of it. I completed work experience with Cosmic Dino Studio as a part of this. It has helped me get a well-rounded approach to what is involved with animation behind the scenes and see the work that is undertaken by the artists.
I expected to enjoy it more than I did and that was a surprise! While I found certain elements fun, especially the earlier stages of creating the story and drawing a rough outline of it, there is a lot of back-end repetition to animation that makes it hard to hold your interest and focus. I found the fleshing out of it afterwards a real challenge. It was also difficult to find a mentor in this area.
Originally, I intended to go into animation in university so this has been a valuable project for me to give me a taste of what it would be like and has allowed me to change directions regarding what my future looks like.
I came to SVSS in Class 4 from a state school. One thing I immediately liked about Steiner was the dress code. I came from a school that was very strict on what you could or couldn’t wear and coming to a school with almost no dress code was very freeing to my 9 year old self as it meant I could express myself more. Another thing I love about the school that is pretty much non existent in public school, is the relationship with both students and teachers. Everyone is much closer and it feels more like a community. People give me strange looks when I tell them I was hanging out with my Drama teacher.
A favourite Main Lesson was Farm Camp as it was fun and a different experience to a lot of the other camps. I also really enjoyed our recent Main Lesson in Optics. I definitely get more out of our practical Main Lessons that are a bit more hands on. The concept of Main Lessons is useful for me, learning in an intensive block period helps keep me focused and involved in what I’m learning.
My favourite camp was Moreton Camp in Class 7. I loved sledding on the sand dunes and going on a morning walk. We also got to stay in villas which was nice! Also, Girraween in Class 6 was really beautiful. You get a lot of life experiences out of the camps. How many people can say they’ve canoed the Brisbane River? How many people can say they’ve climbed Mount Warning?
A good experience was going on International Exchange and heading off into the world on my own. And also, back in Primary School playing Kick the Can in amongst the trees. Ava and I always won because we had similar hair back then and would swap our clothes and shoes and people would call out the wrong name.
I believe that my time at Steiner has really helped in shaping me into the confident, unique, compassionate person I am today, and I look forward to where this education will take me in the future.

Mukund joined SVSS in Class 6 in 2018. He is a hard-working student who has warmth and compassion for those around him. He has deep thoughts and feelings and works through these often with his creativity and practicality. He is incredibly musical, has insightful thoughts and a unique way of seeing the world.
I am currently researching and aiming to understand Ayurvedic medicine. As part of my research, I am creating videos that offer lifestyle advice. Some of these videos are me preparing simple, yet effective herbal remedies from the raw ingredients. My advice is via video advice and can be found on Instagram. I am currently working on an immune chai which includes Ginger, Turmeric, Pepper, Tulsi …. My research is mainly focused on the medical side however, I am also contemplating looking a bit more into sound therapy and the impact of this on our health.
I have gained more skills in the making of videos. It is quite a difficult and time consuming. There is the filming, then the editing and then the publishing. I am learning more about myself and definitely more about Ayurvedic medicine, I have questions arising all the time about the medicine, about herbs in general and the Doshas.
I know I am a Steiner student because I have a broad range of skills. I am artistic, creative and musical – I feel I have a rounded set of skills.
I am really enjoying the current Main Lesson which is Economics and Ecology. Our teacher Andy has put a lot of effort into the discussion part of this Main Lesson, and we have the opportunity to discuss and philosophise about the world. I have enjoyed learning more about the world from this aspect.
My favourite camp has been Farm Camp in Class 9. This gave me the realisation that being constantly online doesn’t mean you’re up to date in the world, being offline provides more real and learning opportunities. You can learn more about the world by being offline and in the world.
I remember as part of the Class 9 Canoe Camp we had the opportunity of spending one night on our own and we had to set ourselves a challenge. My challenge was to not have any sleeping mat or bag for the night and to go without breakfast the next day. Through this experience I realised I could meet a challenge when I set my mind and time to it, I was left with a good feeling.
My experience is one where at times, I have been able to be with my group of friends and be my true self, including joking with them. Other experiences have been the relationship between the teachers and the students, this is a bit more open and welcoming in a Steiner School.
I think that I have a broader understanding of how things can work, a bigger picture of society, and an awareness that there are many things we don’t know. With this awareness of not knowing I think I am relaxed and prepared for things in life that may crop up and that I will be able to manage them.

soraya sirl
Soraya joined SVSS in the first year of preschool in 2011. She has a smile that is gentle and full of enthusiasm and warmth. Her kindness is always present and makes her a wonderful friend. If you have seen her in any of her performances during her enrolment at the school, you will know what an extraordinary talent she has for acting all the way through her Primary education right through to now, the latest being The Wizard of Oz. We know wherever she finds herself she will bring warmth, creativity, beauty and much more.
For my SRP, I have the question, “How to evoke emotions through different mediums?” In my practical I am focusing on music and film. I have written, produced and directed my own music video that displays a particular emotion. I also have done a survey to see if that emotion comes across.
I have developed strong project planning skills, including time management, collaboration, and maintaining a long-term vision. I’ve gained experience in music production and songwriting using GarageBand, as well as video camera operation and film editing. This journey has boosted my self-confidence in expressing my creative ideas through music and film, and I’ve also learned to collaborate effectively with other artists in a meaningful, artistic way.
I have been here at SVSS since preschool. I have creativity in all curriculum areas, I love and appreciate the arts, and community is important to me which I have learnt from this school community.
Favourite Main Lessons have been Ancient Egypt in Class 5 and making a coffin. I liked it because it was the first time we saw more insight into the dark history of ancient Egypt. I also enjoyed Romantic Poetry in Class 11. I love writing poetry as I get to express my emotions through a different form art, e.g. writing. Puzzle solving, following the rules and playing around with breaking them to create my own unique poetry.
Class 3 Camp – Farming Camp was my favourite camp. It was the first camp without parents – we stayed in cabins and talked. I remember milking a cow and the food being really good.
Favourite memories include the Spring festivals – joyful and happy…dance and wear flowers and be joyful.
I have always felt a warm welcome and encouraged to be myself at SVSS. A feeling of home. SVSS supports individuality which is important in school and a workplace. You can get all the degrees, but it is about who you are as a person.

Jessica is independent, and quietly determined with a strong sense of community. Jessica always steps up to the challenge, giving everything her best effort. Her quiet strength and willingness to take on new experiences reflect her dedication and active presence in the world around her.
I have been exploring cake decorating and how to apply artistic processes to the decorations. Last year I did my work experience at ‘The Sweet Society Co.’ which is a boutique cake studio. While I was there, I learnt how to make petals and leaves with fondant.
My project involves me researching how other people are decorating, looking for inspiration in nature for the decorations, practicing with the fondant (sculpting), and the painting on the cake with food colours. I enrolled in a Cert II in baking course as part of this year, which was not really helpful for the decorating part of my project but gave me some helpful information towards baking. This project has involved a lot of me self-learning through tutorials on YouTube, Pinterest ideas, and trial and error.
I have gained many different skills through this process. Patience was a big skill to learn as the fondant is quite fiddly and you need to be timely with your creations. I have also gained valuable skills in time management, learning to adapt when things don’t go as planned and being prepared for last-minute changes. Additionally, I’ve developed strong organisational abilities, improved my baking skills, and honed artistic and cake decorating techniques.
I know I am a Steiner student as I am part of a community as part of my education, I am not just at school but part of something more.
The Main Lesson I can remember fondly is Art History 2, I enjoyed learning the history of art and the artists. Modern Art in Class 12 was also a favourite.
Two favourite camps have been the end-of-year camp in Class 7 at Tangalooma and the Farm Camp in Class 9.
I don’t have one experience that sits out more than others. All the camps provided me with enjoyable experiences. Whilst they were hard on one hand, they were also all very rewarding.
My experience at Samford Valley Steiner School has been that I always have something to look forward to – the events, festivals, plays, camps and Main Lessons. I have been a part of the ensembles and am currently in the Upper Strings Ensemble and in this way I always feel I am participating in the events.
SVSS has given me life skills that I may not have learnt elsewhere, I feel confident that I will find my way in the world.

mathis marten
Mathis started at SVSS in Pre-Prep in 2011. He has been part of the class group since the start of kindy through to Class 12, with a short period away at the end of Class 3 when his family returned to Germany. He has always displayed plenty of energy, enthusiasm and commitment for everything he sets his mind to. Mathis tackles and commits to many areas of the curriculum including Maths, Art, Handwork, Handcraft, PE, Music and Science – he is very diverse and well-rounded with his abilities. He has a smile that is warm and displays an underlying kindness and cheekiness. He has a strong sense of truth and justice and will stand up for his friends if needed.
My question is: “The science of anterior cruciate ligament injuries: How does surgery and physical therapy influence an athlete’s ability to return to sport after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury?’
Over the Christmas school holidays, I spent 4 weeks in Austria doing work experience with a Physiotherapist and some Orthopaedic surgeons. While on work experience, I noticed that an ACL injury was the most common form of injury during the skiing season, and with this injury, I noticed the huge impact it had on people’s lives. This is how my project started. I am very interested in both the fields of physiotherapy and surgery, so it was a project that would keep me interested and engaged.
I am very lucky to have a Mentor who assisted me and guided me with what medical and science journals I should read and other research previously done. My main source of data has been gathering information from the journals.
While I was on work experience, I also kept my own journal on the clients that came in and my observations of the clients, their injuries and the impact on their lives. I have used this journal to assist me with reflecting on what I read in the medical journals and understanding some of this data.
I have gained many skills and knowledge through this project so far. I have gained the ability to remain focused on a task, to recognise where my interests lie and which way I would like my after-school life to progress. Other skills I have learnt are research skills, academic writing and critical thinking skills. It’s very good to have these skills before taking on any tertiary education.
During my work experience, I gained confidence in talking with and to the patients, something I had not learnt before. Also from my work experience, I think I have developed a beginner’s ability for observational skills i.e. movement, and judgement of correct movement, as well as emotional communication and physical judgement.
I know I am a Steiner student as I don’t currently have massive exam blocks that I am cramming for. I feel my overall education is balanced in terms of topics and diversity of the assessments we are able access.
The Main Lesson I remember fondly is Inner Organs with Rhanni in Class 10. This Main Lesson contributed to my interest in the human body and understanding it more.
My favourite camp was the Farm Camp in Class 9 though I did also enjoy the canoe camp (along the Brisbane River) and Surveying Camp in Class 10.
I have a few experiences that I have enjoyed strongly. Overall, the New Zealand Certificate of Steiner Education (NZCSE) has been a positive experience for me in the High School. It provided purpose to my education and has something for everyone as part of the program. I am also really enjoying this project. My other favourite experience was going on exchange to Austria.
My experience at Samford Valley Steiner School is an education that is a complete education that I feel has set me up well for my future and being independent. SVSS has prepared me by providing a broad curriculum and providing me with the opportunity to learn critical and independent thinking.